Monday, August 8, 2011

The 2nd Annual "Rebirth in Wellness" Holistic Health and Fitness Expo!

Sirius Fitness held it’s 2nd Annual “Rebirth in Wellness” Holistic Health and Fitness Expo,which took place at Malcolm X Library and Performing Arts Center on Saturday August 6th from 10-1pm. This event’s main purpose was to enlighten the participants of the importance of Healthy Nutrition and Exercise as a precursor to optimum health.

The incredible day started with an opening greeting and a quick overview of the mission of the event before introducing the first presenter. The presenters included: Raw Food Chef, Joan Jackson, who spoke about the health benefits of a Raw Food diet, Mark Jones, Fitness Professional, who provided Holistic nutritional information, Auset Price, natural hair stylist and owner of ‘Hair Esteem Internatural’, who spoke about the importance of “Natural Healthy Hair” and Tiffany Janay, co-owner of Organic Blood, who spoke about her personal journey to Holistic Wellness. The fitness lineup consisted of ZUMBA, OneFitJam! and Sirius Fitness Boot Camp wrapping up the day of wellness! There were also health and wellness vendors giving out “free” information and products.
The audience was very engaged with the presenters as they lectured on the various subjects, asking questions and participating in the discussions. The presenters also brought healthy foods to sample, showed informative power point presentations and videos and gave “heart-felt” personal testimonies that seemed to “move” the attendees. Tracy Gillum-Willis commented about this being an “informative event” and “...great stuff!”, Jamaica Jacobson said, "I had a great time. I loved all the free info and recipe books. I'm going to encourage my friends to come with me next time." while Tammie West-Ramsom stated, “I’m a winner, because I am here soaking in all this free education.”
Now, regarding fitness! Mark Jones and OneFitJam! Got the crowd moving and hearts pumping with aerobic moves, while Gema Diaz got everyone rocking with ZUMBA Fitness! The event wrapped up with Nasara Gargonnu of Sirius Fitness Run and Fit Club giving the crowd a taste of their unique Boot Camp! The crowd’s mind and body was stimulated as the event ended and they were told to “Save the Date” for the next Holistic Fair taking place on November 5th.